State Grid Chairman Xin Baoan: It is expected that in 2030, China’s new energy power generation installed capacity will surpass coal power to become the largest power source

According to the official website of the State Grid, the 2022 “Belt and Road” Clean Energy Development Forum was held in Xining, Qinghai on August 12. Xin Baoan, chairman of the State Grid Co., Ltd., said in his keynote speech that with the in-depth promotion of the “double carbon” process, the energy system is undergoing a systematic and fundamental change, which is prominently reflected in four aspects.
It is expected that by 2030, the installed capacity of new energy power generation such as wind power and solar power generation in China will surpass coal power to become the largest power source, and the proportion of new energy power generation is expected to exceed 50% before 2060;
It is expected that by 2030 and 2060, the proportion of china’s electric energy in terminal energy consumption will increase to about 39% and 70% respectively; hmi tft module
The coupling of the energy system is getting closer and closer, with electricity as the center, electricity, hydrogen, gas, cold, heat and other energy sources complementing each other and making comprehensive utilization, and the power grid presents a pattern dominated by a large power grid and the integration and coexistence of various power grid forms;
The energy industry ecology has been upgraded by leaps and bounds, and digital technology and energy technology have been deeply integrated, giving birth to a large number of new businesses, new formats and new models such as integrated energy services, energy big data, platform business, and energy aggregators.
Xin Baoan said that to achieve the “double carbon” goal, energy is the main battlefield, electricity is the main force, and it is urgent to build a new power system. The State Grid Corporation of China took the lead in issuing and implementing the “double carbon” action plan and the action plan for building a new power system.
The first is to adapt to the platformization of energy allocation and innovate the development mode of the power grid. Continue to improve UHV and power grids at all levels, continuously optimize the development pattern of power grids, and have an inter-regional and inter-provincial transmission capacity of more than 250 million kilowatts。 The company has built and put into operation the world’s first power corridor in Qinghai, which mainly transmits clean energy.
The second is to adapt to the clean production of energy and improve the level of development and utilization of new energy. The new energy grid-connected capacity of the company’s operating area has reached 580 million kilowatts, and the installed capacity of pumped storage power stations under construction in operation has reached 83 million kilowatts. The company successfully achieved the “Five Weeks of Green Electricity” in Qinghai, breaking the world record of all-clean energy power supply for the sixth consecutive year.
The third is to adapt to the electrification of energy consumption, promote energy conservation and consumption reduction to meet diversified energy demand。 The substitution of electric energy has been implemented in a sound and orderly manner, and the cumulative replacement of electricity has exceeded 1 trillion kWh, which is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 1.05 billion tons。 Actively guide users to use energy efficiently, green energy, and save energy.
The fourth is to adapt to the integration of energy innovation and create an original technology source. Vigorously promote collaborative innovation, and initiate the establishment of a new power system technology innovation alliance。 Comprehensively strengthen independent innovation, and have achieved a number of world-leading original achievements, and the cumulative number of patents has ranked first among central enterprises for 11 consecutive years. The company actively builds a demonstration area for new power systems in Qinghai.
The fifth is to adapt to the digitization of the energy industry and strengthen the construction of the energy Internet. Built the world’s largest “new energy cloud” platform, access to more than 3 million new energy field stations. Built the world’s largest smart car networking platform, providing services for green travel for more than 13 million users.