What is a microcontroller? What is the difference between a 51 microcontroller and an stm32?

I was introduced to microcontrollers 10 years ago, when the name actually sounded quite low and cold.

If you hadn’t heard of microcontrollers a few years ago, it’s normal, but if you haven’t heard of them today, then you’re a bit out of date.

Because your daily contact with microcontroller applications, more than contact with your girlfriend.

For example, the rice cooker, refrigerator, air conditioning, washing machine at home, to go to work on the way to the bus and underground gates, shared bicycle, to the company with the mouse, keyboard, coffee machine and so on.

1. What exactly is a microcontroller?

A microcontroller is actually a chip.

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This chip it has some characteristics, such as programmable, that is, you can write programs to download to the chip inside, somewhat similar to the computer cpu feeling.

We can also understand it as a Poundland version of the CPU, here refers to the performance, stability or proper.

Microcontroller is generally used to do with intelligent control of electronic products, different electronic products by different programs with different circuits to complete.

Therefore, the application of microcontrollers can be said to be everywhere, everywhere.

In addition, in recent years, under the empowerment of the Internet of Things, microcontroller application scenarios are more abundant and intelligent, such as smart home, car networking, shared bicycle, shared charging battery, charging pile and so on.

I have been engaged in this industry for 10 years, these two years feel that the trend of this industry is also more and more fierce, the most direct manifestation is the rate of wage increases.

There are also several companies that have recently approached us about our interminable microcontroller programming, asking if there are any students to be introduced to their companies to do development.

In the future, as 5G and IoT technology continues to mature, I believe the development will be better.

2. What is the difference between 51 microcontroller and stm32?

51 microcontroller and stm32 is the difference between a single car and a motorbike. Both are also microcontrollers, hmi touch tft but the performance of STM32 is much stronger than 51 microcontrollers.

For example, the memory size, frequency, package pins and so on are different.

We might as well look at the internal resources of both chips.

51 microcontroller internal resources.

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STM32 microcontroller internal resources.

You may seem a little brain-burning and can not read, it does not matter, are normal phenomenon.

When you learn, and then to understand it is simple, here will not do too much to introduce.

3.begin to choose which microcontroller is best?

If you are a beginner, I suggest that you learn 51 microcontroller first, it is easier and more suitable for the system to learn.

Microcontroller is the need for c-language programming, this piece of the microcontroller can go to see the infinite microcontroller programming the microcontroller c-language programming, so you do not have to plan their own learning content and order, directly each lesson in order to learn on the line.

In the past, many microcontrollers were written in assembly, but because assembly code is difficult to maintain and difficult to port, so now the mainstream is still using C language.

We only need to learn one language, we don’t need to learn all of assembly and C.

Microcontroller development is a real-world technology, and we need to learn it with a development board in the process.

Now the development board also has a more complete supporting video, after watching it must be hands-on, see and understand and will do is absolutely two things.

Finally, I wish you all success in your studies!

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